News From the Freeform Front

Help Us Reach 10,000 Donors – Only 39 To Go!

WFMU is very close a milestone – we are 39 donors away from reaching 10,000 donors to our 2024 Fundraising Marathon! If you are a listener who loves the station and hasn’t made a donation this year please consider throwing some cash our way. We have lots ‘o swag and DJ Premiums for you as a thank you for supporting the one and only WFMU! A pledge of $20 will get you the holographic Higher Frequency sticker, designed by Jethro Haynes, pictured here. Click here to help us reach our goal –

Join WFMU’s Friendship Society

Save your favorite songs, albums, radio show episodes, and post comments like the wind by joining WFMU’s Friendship Society! Once you sign up for an account, our world will be your oyster. As a bonus, you can finally trash that dog-eared notebook full of band names like “Scalp Elevator” and “Anal Volcano.”

Check out the WFMU Random Archive Generator!

If you’re hating that god-awful noise coming out of your computer right now, why not throw caution to the wind and give WFMU’s Random Archive Generator a whirl? It will randomly select an archive from somewhere between last week and 2001 and fill your ears with glorious sound (or a different kind of god-awful noise).

Heavy Airplay on WMFU – 2010’s Edition

We made a Spotify list of all the heavily played lists from the 2010s as a fun way to draw attention to how WFMU sounded like in the 2010s and all the artists we highlighted during that period. This effort was made possible due to the work of Olivia Bradley-Skill, Zoey Beatrice, Ruby, Ben, Edie, Jessica, Eliza, and Myriel. Artwork by Faye. Listen to the 2010s Edition here.

Coming Up in Monty Hall

Sun July 14 | WFMU Movie Night: Deep Listening: The Story of Pauline Oliveros | Tickets


Sun July 28 | WFMU Movie Night: Getting It Back: The Story Of Cymande | Tickets

Attention Android Phone Listeners!

The official WFMU app in the Google Play Store is at the end of its digital life. We now recommend using the unofficial “Woof Moo” app which works much better and is still being updated, thanks to listener Stephen. Follow this link, or navigate to the Play Store and search for “Woof Moo.”

If you encounter long startup buffering times or unreliable streaming, especially if your Android version is too early to be supported by the current apps, note that Android-using listeners who encountered those problems have had good luck listening to our live streams via the TuneIn Radio service. Mainstream Android users can try the TuneIn Radio app from the Google Play Store, and users of Amazon devices can try the TuneIn Radio app from the Amazon Appstore.

Stick It to The Man Beyond Your Lifetime!

Plan now for a future gift to WFMU, and help us preserve this important cultural resource for many years to come. Consider including a bequest to WFMU in your will or trust. It’s easy, painless, and incredibly flexible, allowing you to continue providing support for a cause you believe in.

Donate Your Appreciated Stocks and Securities to WFMU!

WFMU accepts appreciated stocks and securities as tax-deductible donations! Take the full appreciated value of your stocks or securities as a tax deduction, and also avoid capital gains taxes at the very same time for a double benefit. It’s like magic! For more information contact Station Manager Ken here.

Looking for Another Way To Stick It To the Man? Get a Matching Gift for WFMU

Did you know that many companies have matching gift programs that will match dollar-for-dollar your donation to WFMU? Maybe yours is one of them! If your company appears on this list, you may be able to double or even triple your contribution to WFMU. If you have any questions about obtaining a matching gift through your company, please e-mail us at and we’ll do our best to help.

Re:Mixology Archives

Re:Mixology was a radio show that aired on WFMU from 2002-2003 that featured a great selection of assorted leftfield, beat-oriented sound manipulators. Special-for-WFMU mixes from the likes of the DFA, Christian Marclay, Wayne Butane, and Felix Kubin were aired, along with performances in the WFMU studio from Peaches/Gonzales/Feist, Matmos, Evolution Control Committee and more! Archives are here.

Donate Your Old Car or Boat to WFMU

Donate your old car or boat to WFMU and we promise that we will never play the “Kars for Kids” jingle, EVER. Plus, you get a tax credit for the book value of your old beater! WFMU seeks donations of used aquatic and land-based vehicles from any state in the U.S. and in any state of disrepair. Call 1-855-WFMU-CAR (855-936-8227) to arrange for vehicle pick-up. It’s free and it’s painless!

Records, CDs & more for Sale on eBay!

Support WFMU and bid on our items listed on eBay. All the proceeds go to WFMU and the goods go right to YOU. It’s a win, win! More items added often, but you can bid on the following right now – The Complete Rodgers & Hart Songbooks 3-CD Box Set, GERRY MULLIGAN – Complete Pacific Jazz Recordings – 4 CD Box Set

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